March 21, 2011

...on eternal playing over and over again...going crazy

Hi all! Okay, I WAS on eternal hold with my store host and just got a message to leave a message and they will call me back. Argh!!!! The good news: I was able to resolve part of the shipping issue with USPS... I think. ;)

I could just default to some sort of lump sum shipping amount, but I want you to only have to pay as much... or as you want to pay for shipping, so I'm working to set up a way for you to select your preferred shipping method. First Class Mail and Parcel Post are by far less expensive options than Priority Mail, but it's a bit of a trick (as I'm finding out) getting the settings just right. So please hang in there with me a bit longer. Let's say 1:00 pm Pacific. I'll keep calling back until someone picks up the phone!


  1. oh my, what a time you're having!! If anything was gonna go wrong you KNOW it was gonna be today.. I'll be back at 1pm, lol.

  2. I'm sure it will be worth the wait Lisa.


  3. Oh Lisa, how frustrating!! I hope everything smoothes out soon, you must be pulling your hair out! Good luck!!!

  4. Hearing ......" Just Hold " , is the pits, but................. with all this out of the way, only plain sailing from there !!
    See ya later.......:))
    lotsa luv

  5. .....breathe......and I agree with Sandy - today WOULD be the day wouldn't it1! We'll be here waiting lisa!


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