April 9, 2011

Checking In...

Hello my friends! I'm popping in for a moment to say that I've closed the store for the weekend whilst I make some changes. I'll pop back in when it's re-opened.

Lots of changes are going to be taking place over the next few weeks, all leading up to a May 1st release, so please bear with me. I promise it will be worth it!

Thanks so much! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. woohoo! =) You go girl. It's exciting to see your store and all the fun stuff you have planned unfold before us. Have a great weekend and hope all goes smoothly for ya!

  2. Awesome! Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve - I know it will be amazing!!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Sounds interesting....Praying all goes well over the next few weeks for you. I received the Little Frieda set that I won, so I'll be getting her inky soon! Thanks, Lisa. ~hugs Lori~


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