February 11, 2012

TCM is Sponsoring CAS-ual Fridays!

Hello dear friends! I'm popping in to let you know of a terrific opportunity to win a TCM stamp set of choice... by playing in this week's challenge over at CAS-ual Fridays!!!

The challenge is Clean and Simple Paper Piecing. I love paper piecing, do you? If so, then please join us! And be sure to check out all the amazing creations by the CAS-ual Fridays design team... all I can say is WOW!!!

Take a look at the card Nina Brackett made for this challenge featuring Fun{tache}tic!

We start sneak peeks of the February release on Sunday, so please stay tuned!!!!!

Have a great day!


  1. Lisa...thank you so much for being a fabulous sponsor this week over at CAS-ual Fridays. This card by Nina is SO fun!

  2. I've just put CAS-ual Fridays on my challenge TO-DO list for the week. Thanks for the heads up, Lisa!!!


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