April 14, 2012

How About a Sneak Peek?

We've got a few sneak peeks up our sleeve to whet your appetite for our fabulous April release! Today we're "peeking" at new sets by Jiroken (Michelle Bertuzzi) and Kaitlyn Ord...

Oooo, I can't wait, can you? ;)

Join us tomorrow for more!


  1. Looks like a lovely preview is on its way. Thanks for the peek Lisa.

  2. it looks like travel i can not wait to know for sure

  3. fun sneak peak...cant wait to see more...

  4. Another one already? I still haven't received my last release goodies! But I like the plane sneak peek. Cannot wait to see more :)

  5. These are wonderful and beautiful stamps and ideas. Thanks for the help and inspiration:))


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