May 15, 2012

How About Another Sneak Peek???

This month we are celebrating Grads and Dads!!!

Michelle Bertuzzi has done it again with this fabulous set...

And Kaitlyn Ord wows us once again with her creativity...

We have one more day of sneak peeks before the previews begin, so please stay tuned and plan to join us for the festivities! Have a great day!


  1. Hey there,

    Stop sneeking!! It makes my sooo curious and I don't like it when I am like that :):)
    But I have to give you a compliment for the sneeks. They do look nice (the part I can see....hihi).


  2. Oepsie...I wrote sneek....any way I don't like sneeks or sneaks hihi. So hurry up with the previews lol.

  3. YEAH!! Can't wait for the FUN week ahead!! Looking forward to ALL of the creations!! Have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  4. Love these two sneak peeks and looking for something special for Father's Day cards :)

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