October 13, 2012

Winner of the WCMD Contest!

Hello, friends! I'm popping in today to announce the winner of the World Card Making Day contest we held here on The Craft's Meow blog. And the winner of Sweet Taste of Summer is...

Congratulations Shea! Please email your mailing address to me at thecraftsmeow@gmail.com and I'll get your prize right out to you!

Thanks to all of you who participated in our contest! It was a treat to see all your lovely cards. :)

Back soon with more news!


  1. Congratulations Shea!

  2. I nearly fell out of my chair when I opened up the blog to see my name in big, bold letters!! I flat didn't recognize it for a moment! Thank you Lisa and The Craft's Meow for such a fun site, fun challenges, and giving us all the opportunity to win such fun prizes! And thank you for my new stamp set - I so look forward to receiving it and playing with it!!


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